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If you are not already a client, please do not provide us with any information relating to your legal matter(s) without first speaking to one of our lawyers, as any information provided before we confirm that we are willing and able to consult with you about becoming a client, may not be privileged, confidential, or protected information, and could be used against you if we represent a party adverse to you.

Our clients appreciate the practical advice and solutions that they receive from our real estate attorneys.  Our formula is simple:  listen carefully to understand our client’s objectives, develop a plan of action, and execute that plan in a timely, efficient and economical manner.

Based on our rich and extensive experience with real property matters (transaction or litigation-based), we are well versed and positioned to assist you in achieving your goals as buyer or seller, landlord or tenant, borrower or lender, landowner, developer, or municipality.

If you have a real estate issue or opportunity, we are here to help.

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