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When an individual is faced with the threat or reality of domestic violence, our attorneys take every legal step possible to safeguard our client. Our Family Law team is empathetic and understands the vulnerability of domestic violence. We aggressively defend the rights of such clients in these often harrowing and stressful matters.

Domestic violence is not only a criminal act, but can also impact the family law case at hand. We consistently provide comprehensive solutions on how to proceed in order to protect yourself and your family. We work quickly to assess whether or not you or your family is in immediate danger, as well as to legally shield you from your abuser. When necessary, we file a restraining order, denying your abuser contact with you, your children and other immediate family members.

In the event a divorce is pending, we fervently advocate your rights in court in your petition for child custody in order to protect children from potentially dangerous visitation with the abuser. Because domestic violence can also affect child and spousal support, we advise on how your situation applies and seek maximum financial assistance going forward. 

Domestic violence is not always a straightforward legal matter. Often it includes more than just physical abuse, but also psychological or emotional harassment. Our attorneys fight for stringent penalties against abusers, which can result in misdemeanor or felony charges. We aggressively seek to bring a decisive and quick end to the traumatic situation with which our client is faced.

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