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Family law courts issue orders for spousal maintenance and child custody and support during a divorce proceeding. Such orders require that one party execute specific duties or retain certain rights after the divorce. In the event one party fails to comply with the terms of a court order, unnecessary hardship can be inflicted on the other party. Best & Flanagan’s Family Law team is called upon to advocate our client’s rights in matters where enforcement becomes necessary, such as in the event of a failure to pay child support or alimony, or deviating from custody or visitation arrangements.

Our team has proven successful in influencing the court to determine that the other party has been delinquent in his or her responsibility under the divorce decree, resulting in a repayment of the debt owned and/or significant penalties. We have also been called upon to navigate our client through claims of unemployment or underemployment in order to avert or lessen support payments.

We have been involved in post decree modifications involving an ex-spousal increase or decrease in income due to a promotion, job loss, medical condition or remarriage. We have also successfully executed revised agreements involving divorced parents where one wishes to relocate to another city or state, or the other desires to alter custody or visitation responsibilities.

Our attorneys understand when it is appropriate to be tough, and when it is important to compromise in order to prevent the escalation of serious acrimony within a family. On most occasions, we are able to execute a new agreement through careful negotiation and without having to resort to litigation. However, if a post decree modification goes to court, we stand ready to assert our client’s position when and where we are needed.

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